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How would a pair of sister chromosomes differ from homologous chromosomes?

If the reproductive cell only has 23 chromosomes, then how come all of our body cells (somatic cells) have 46 chromosomes?

Briefly describe the constituent molecules found within a chromosome. You may use a diagram to illustrate your answer. Reference your sources.

What is a gene? What is a genome? What does a gene do?

How many genes (approximately) does the human genome contain?

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I am not sure what you mean by sister chromosomes. But I have this explanation which I hope might help answer your question.

Homologous chromosomes are similar in all aspects. However, sister chromatids are identical to each other. In the S phase of the cell cycle, the DNA is replicated and an identical copy of the chromatid is made. These two chromatids are then called sister chromatids. Nonsister chromatids are not identical to each other as they represent different but homologous chromosomes. The nonsister chromatid will carry the same type ...

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