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Cardiovascular Multiple Choice Questions

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1)Freshly oxygenated blood is first received by the
a. right ventricle b. left ventricle c. right atrium d. left atrium

2)Given an end-diastolic volume of 150 ml, an end systolic volume of 50 ml, and a heart rate of 60 bpm, the cardiac output is
a. 600 ml/min b. 6 liters/min c. 1200 ml/min d. 3 liters

3)Which of the following depolarizes next after the AV node?
a. Atrial myocardium b. Ventricular myocardium c. Bundle branches d. AV bundle

4) During atrial systole:
a. the artrial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure b. 70 percent of ventricular filling occurs c. The AV valves are open d. valves prevent backflow inot the great veins

5) Atrial repoarization conincides in time with the:
a. P wave b. T wave c. QRS wave d. P-Q interval

6) Soon after the onset of ventricular systole the:
a. AV valves close b. semilunar valves open c. first heart sound is heard d. aortic pressure increases

7) The base of the heart is its______ surface
a. diaphragmatic b. posterior c. anterior d. inferior

8) In comparing a parallel artery and vein, you would find that:
a. the artery wall is thicker b. the artery diameter is greater c. the artery lumen is smaller d. the artery endothelium is thicker

9) Considering the vessels named pulmonary trunk and celiac trunk, the term trunk must refer to:
a. a vessel in the heart wall b. a vein c. a capillary d. a large artery from which other arteries branch

10) Which of these vessels is bilaterally symmetrical ( I.e., one vessel of the pair occurs on each side of the body)?
a. internal carotid artery b. brachiocephalic trunk c. Azygos vein d. superior mesenteric vein

11) A stroke that occludes a posterior cerebral artery will most likely affect:
a. hearing b. vision c. smell d. higher thought processes

12) Vessels involved in the circulatory pathway to and from the brain are the
a. brachiocephalic artery b. subclavian artery c. internal jugular vein d. internal carotid artery

13) Which layer of the arter wall thickens most in atherosclerosis?
a. tunica media b. tunica interna c. tunica adventitia d. tunica externa

14) Which of the following are associated with aging?
a. increasing blood pressure b. weakiening of venous valves c. arteriosclerosis d. stenosis of the ductus arteriosus

15) an increase in BP would be causes by all of the following except:
a. increase in SV b. increase in heart rate c. increase in the length of ventricular diastole d. constriction of the arterioles

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1) Freshly oxygenated blood is first received by the

a. right ventricle b. left ventricle c. right atrium d. left atrium

Freshly oxygenated blood is coming back to the heart from the lungs. It enters the left atrium

Answer: D

2) Given an end-diastolic volume of 150 ml, an end systolic volume of 50 ml, and a heart rate of 60 bpm, the cardiac output is

a. 600 ml/min b. 6 liters/min c. 1200 ml/min d. 3 liters

cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume (CO = HR x SV)
stroke volume = SV = EDV − ESV

Combining these two formulas:

cardiac output = 60(150 - 50) = 60(100) = 600

Answer: A

3) Which of the following depolarizes next after the AV node?

a. Atrial myocardium b. Ventricular myocardium c. Bundle branches d. AV bundle

After the AV node depolarizes, the action potential spreads to the AV bundle (i.e. bundle of His). The AV bundle divides into bundle branches.

Answer: D

4) During atrial systole:

a. the artrial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure b. 70 percent of ventricular filling occurs c. The AV valves are open d. valves prevent backflow inot the great veins

A. Yes ... there is decreased ventricular ...

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