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business models

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Assess two different organizations' e-business models. Choose two of the following categories:
1. B2B (e.g., GE, Intel, Nissan, Toyota, etc.)
2. B2C (e.g., Jet Blue, Staples, Circuit City, Apple, Southwest, Eddie Bauer, etc.)
3. C2C (e.g., eBay, Amazon Marketplace, etc.)
4. E-Government (e.g., state government, Air Force, Navy, Army, etc.)
5. Nonprofit (e.g., United Way, etc.)

o Who is the target audience for this Web site (e.g., business buyers, consumers, government constituents, international clientele)?
o What are they offering to their buyers or consumers via the Web (e.g., product, service, information, recreation)?
o What Web site features or functions are used to reach this target audience (e.g., shopping cart, real-time inventory, customer service, product information or catalog, customization, order status, personalization, pre-order, wish lists, intelligent agents, membership)?
o How do these organizations' business models affect the way they market themselves? How does the target market learn about or find this site (e.g., search engines, referral sites, click-and-mortar advertising)?
o Identify benefits of this site to the organization and to the site's visitors (e.g., revenue, cost reduction, brand recognition, global presence).

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Business models are discussed in great detail in this solution.

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B2C Apple website:

o Who is the target audience for this Web site (e.g., business buyers, consumers, government constituents, international clientele)?
1. The target audience for this Website is the consumers.
2. The target audience is that of customers that are music lovers, those that have access to computes and are open to the idea of purchasing music online.
3. Usually these are young customers.
o What are they offering to their buyers or consumers via the Web (e.g., product, service, information, recreation)?
The Apple website is offering a multitude of products, services, information and recreation: In particular it is offering:
1. The sale of different models of iPods and Apple TV;
2. The offer of downloading different iTunes, access to iTune Store and iTune games;
3. The offer of combinations of iTunes and iPods, accessories and iPods for education;
4. The website also offers service for iPods.
5. It allows gifting of iPods, corporate gifting and gifting of coupons.
6. The website allows the redemption of gift coupons.
7. The website allows making of requests for song downloads on iTune stores.
8. The website offers services like the use of iTune 7.3 for activating iTunes.

o What Web site features or functions are used to reach this target audience (e.g., shopping cart, real-time inventory, customer service, product information or catalog, customization, order status, personalization, pre-order, wish lists, intelligent agents, membership)?
The website uses several features to reach its target audience like:
1. It uses different pages for the store, Mac, iPod + iTunes, iPhone, Download and Support
2. The Mac page sells the different models of the Mac and attempts to sell the operating system of Mac.
3. It targets different audiences with the Mac page like creative professions, those related to education, scientists and developers.
4. It provides extensive product information about the Mac, iPods +iTunes, iPhone and Apple TV.
5. Even those who want to purchase second hand are targeted. The website helps find resellers.
6. The feature that iTunes can be used to activate the iPhones;
7. The feature that YouTube available on Apple TV;
8. Tips on making the best use of iPods;
9. The gift cards that can be e-mailed;
10. Direct and seamless integration between the car and iPod.
11. The iTunes store that allows purchase of ...

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