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Marketing Management: sales vs. marketing philosophy, consumer decision process and more...

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Marketing questions:

1. Throughout the decade of the 1990s, it could be effectively argued that the personal computing (PC) industry initially pursued a product philosophy, followed by a sales philosophy, followed by a marketing philosophy, followed by a relationship marketing philosophy. Please explain.

2. Do all B2C consumers proceed through the consumer decision process at the same rate? Please explain your answer.

3. Your company has proceeded through the New Product Development Process and is set to launch a new-to-the-world product into the market. 1.) How will the adoption and diffusion processes relate to the success of your new product launch? 2.) How will you know if your new product is a success?

4. What is the managerial usefulness of using quantitative and qualitative research techniques as they pertain to measuring customer satisfaction?

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Marketing questions:

1. Throughout the decade of the 1990s, it could be effectively argued that the personal computing (PC) industry initially pursued a product philosophy, followed by a sales philosophy, followed by a marketing philosophy, followed by a relationship marketing philosophy. Please explain.
The personal computing first followed the product philosophy, that is the personal computer manufacturers concentrated on producing better products, more technologically sophisticated products, tried to outdo each other by coming out with new features and packaging the PC in an attractive manner. For example, the manufacturers tried to improve the speed of their machines and increased the size of their memory. This was followed by a sales philosophy, here the companies tried to out compete others by using sales techniques, the sales persons were sophisticated, they made impressive presentations and were ubiquitous. A single call from a potential customer and an entire team of well-qualified sales team descended on the company. Often these sales people had sales promotions and discounts up their sleeves in an attempt to close their deals. PC was carried to the premises of the potential customers to give demonstrations. This was followed by a marketing philosophy, where the companies used the entire marketing mix to achieve their sales targets. They positioned their products with the help of advertising, brands like Compaq and Dell positioned and repositioned their offerings using not only advertisements and promotions, but also using pricing strategies and distribution outlets. Branded top level PCs were now available from websites on the Internet. ...

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