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Lester Scenario Benchmarking

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Identify and research two companies that have faced specific issues related to those you identified in the scenario (Lester Electronic Scenario One, attached in solution). For each company selected, discuss the following in a 350-word synopsis:
(A) issue identified in the scenario that is also facing the company,
(B) how the company responded to the issue, and
(C) outcomes of the company's response to the issue.

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The solution comprises an explanation of the benchmarking of two companies. It also includes an analysis on the internal and external growth strategies of the companies. This solution is 835 words with references.

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Company 1 - United Airlines

Situation Facing Company:
A current article in Business Week Online reports that UAL Corp., parent company of United Air Lines, has hired Goldman Sachs & Co. to advise it on financial alternatives including a possible merger. Crain's Communications' Chicago Business reported that people close to United expect Goldman to help the airline assess the value of its domestic and international holdings, advise it on sales or purchases of domestic or international routes and scout for mergers.

Company response to issue:
United Air Lines (UAL) has been talking about a possible merger. UAL has reportedly hired Goldman Sachs & Co to advise them on their financial alternatives UAL has just emerged from bankruptcy. The company wants to assess the value of its domestic and international holdings and is seeking advice on sales or purchases of domestic or international routes that may be available for mergers. Two companies have been mentioned, Continental Airlines Inc., based in Houston, and Atlanta based Delta airlines Inc. (Business Week Online, 2006)

Shares rose Monday amid reports the United Air Lines parent may be looking for a merger partner. Stock in UAL gained 2.7% in price to $28.58 per share in ...

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