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Consumer Insight

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* Discuss how discounting by consumers is related to marketer's use of the cognitive attitude change strategy of "shifting importance."
* Give examples of situations where loyal customers might be converted by competing brands.
* Discuss how this insight is related to the difficulty marketers have when trying to get consumers to stop engaging in behaviors that are dangerous for them, such as the use of illegal drugs.


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* Discuss how discounting by consumers is related to marketer's use of the cognitive attitude change strategy of "shifting importance."
* Give examples of situations where loyal customers might be converted by competing brands.
* Discuss how this insight is related to the difficulty marketers have when trying to get consumers to stop engaging in behaviors that are dangerous for them, such as the use of illegal drugs.


Page 459

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Subject: Business Topic: Marketing Level: Year 2
Consumer Insight
* Discuss how discounting by consumers is related to marketer's use of the cognitive attitude change strategy of "shifting importance."
* Give examples of situations where loyal customers might be converted by competing brands.
* Discuss how this insight is related to the difficulty marketers have when trying to get consumers to stop engaging in behaviors that are dangerous for them, such as the use of illegal drugs. ...

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