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Ethical Dilemma

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As a nurse, you are the last person to see Mr. Doe before he dies in hospital. You believe that he has become mentally incompetent in the last few hours and in that time he has rewritten his will. In the new will he viciously attacks each member of his adopted family and reveals that he actually was born a woman. He then cuts every family member out of the will leaving his fortune to a Psychic Chatline. Mr. Jones asks you to make sure that the new will gets to his lawyer. Knowing that the document will most likely be thrown out of court but not before the damage to Mr. Doe's family is done, do you carry out Mr. Doe's last request?

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This posting analyses the ethical dilemma of carrying out the last requests of someone who may have become mentally incompetent in his last hours.

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1. As a nurse do I have the necessary medical qualifications, authority and capacity to conduct a Psychological Evaluation and decide as to whether or ...

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