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If the coefficient for Activity 2 in the objective function changes to $400, then the objective function value

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Using Fig 1.1 attached for remaining questions

4) If the coefficient for Activity 2 in the objective function changes to $400, then the objective function value:
a will increase by $7,500
b will increase by $2,750
c will increase by $100
d will remain the same
e can only be discovered by resolving the problem

5) If the coefficient for Activity 1 in the objective function changes to $50, then the objective function value
a will decrease by $450
b is $0
c will decrease by $2750
d will remain the same
e can only be discovered by resolving the problem

6) If the coefficient for Activity 2 in the objective function changes to $100, then
a the original solution remains optimal
b the problem must be resolved to find the optimal solution
c the shadow price is valid
d the shadow price is not valid
e none of the above

7) If the right hand side of resource b changes to $80, then the objective function value:
a will decrease by $75
b will decrease by $150
c will decrease by $225
d will remain the same
e can only be discovered by resolving the problem

8) if the objective coefficients of activity 2 and activity 3 are both decreased by $100, then
a the original solution remains optimal
b the optimal solution may or not may remain the same
c the optimal solution will change
d the shadow prices are valid
e none of the above

10) If the right hand side of Resouce C changes to $130 then:
a the original solution remains optimal
b the problem must be resolved to find the optimal solution
c the shadow price is valid
d the shadow price is not valid
e none of the above

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