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Communicating with Spoken Word and Written Format

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The two general ways in which we communicate are with the spoken word and by written format. Make a list of at least three advantages and three disadvantages of communicating a message for each of the general methods (spoken word, written). Which one do you prefer? Why.

300 to 400 words

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This solution of 374 words describes both ways of communication of spoken word and written format with their advantages and disadvantages. It also provides the expert's preference, and all points are in bullet-point format.

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Written message:

- the person can read the message at their own leisure
- the writer can properly take time to formulate their thoughts, and organize them into coherent ideas, and the writer can take the time to edit, clarify their thoughts, make changes...
- the reader can re-read and re-visit any challenging point or issues until the concept is clear

- If the reader has trouble understanding, there is no one there to clarify
- If the writer uses slang, vocabulary that the person ...

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