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Failure to Change

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As I have learned, organizational change is not always successful. For example: Block buster was a home video store (my opinion) that was unable to recognize change, implement short-term fix approach. Are there any other areas that may have led to its demise? Would the five pillars: leadership, strategy, culture, structure, and systems have made a difference? If so, How?

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As I have learned, organizational change is not always successful. For example: Block buster was a home video store (my opinion) that was unable to recognize change, implement short-term fix approach. Are there any other areas that may have lead to it's demise? Would the five pillars: leadership, strategy, culture, structure, and systems have made a difference? If so, How?

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Blockbuster made several mistakes which led to their demise but the biggest problem was that they didn't specifically target customers to create foot traffic in their stores. Blockbuster made changes to their stores like adding a variety of candy, soft drinks, and popcorn to try and lure buyers into purchasing additional items to go with their video rentals but that did not fix the foot traffic problem. The better solution to the foot traffic problem would have been to ...

Solution provided by:
  • PhD, Capella University
  • MBA, Grantham University
  • BSc, Grantham University
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