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Six Sigma Case Study

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The CEO of your health care insurance company has just returned from a conference and is reaching out to you. The CEO wants to know how six sigma could be used to define benchmarks in the company's telephone customer service department

Individual portion
Conduct research about the six sigma program.
A complete analysis of the six sigma program.
Provide the CEO with a minimum of 4 recommended processes that could be measured through the implementation of the six sigma program in the telephone customer service department.

Group Portion
Review all individual recommendations.
Provide 3 recommendations to give to the CEO as to how the six sigma process could be used in the telephone customer service department to measure business performance.

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Solution Summary

The review into creating a six sigma program for a company to improving their telephone customer service department.

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Hope you are well.

--Conduct research about the six sigma program and complete analysis of the six sigma program.

The main objective for six sigma program is to creating a more proficient processes framework that supports the organization in meeting product delivery and quality level. The key term is productivity with ease, rather than, the restriction in progressing forward to meeting deadlines that opposes sustaining competitive advantage within the targeted marketplace. Therefore, the type of six sigma program in relation to the telephone customer service department should reflect the following areas of focus:

a) Minimizing the incorrect answers to customers that reflects in returning calls or returning of products leading to loss of revenue (try and think of the six sigma as a means for reduction in defect or errors in the identified processes, such as, the customer service representative is often responsible for answering correct the concerns of the customers for a first call resolution (FCR).

b) The reduction variability in managing incoming calls ( try and think of the variability in processes that a customer service representative has to present familiarly to ensure call handing time is within reason (AHT), in doing so the internal systems might needs upgrading to simplifying the overall database data flow).

c) The utilization of special team leaders that can range from green belt to yellow belt, basically, the experts in managing the key performance ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, American Intercontinental University
  • MBA, American Intercontinental University
  • PhD (IP), Grand Canyon University
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