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Training evaluation design and collection methods

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Suppose you have been asked to design a program intended to train airline flight attendant trainees in emergency evacuation procedures. You are now designing the evaluation study to show that the flight attendants understand the procedures and use them on the job. Which data collection methods do you think would be the most useful in providing this evidence? How might the type of learning outcome affect your choice of measuring learning? Support your choices.

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The expert examines training evaluation design and collection methods. The types of learning outcomes which affect the choice of measuring learning is discussed.

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The following is not intended as an assignment completion.

Suppose you have been asked to design a program intended to train airline flight attendant trainees in emergency evacuation procedures. You are now designing the evaluation study to show that the flight attendants understand the procedures and use them on the job. Which data collection methods do you think would be the most useful in providing this evidence? How might the type of learning outcome affect your choice of measuring learning? Support your choices.

Case ...

Solution provided by:
  • MEd, Jones International University
  • BSc, DeVry University
  • MPH, Walden University
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