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Every new change is resisted by someone

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Please evaluate this phrase: "Every new change is resisted by someone -the goal is to motivate folks to overcome their resistance to change?"

What are several barriers that would prevent the communication of a strategy down through the various levels of an organization?

What are some ways to prevent or overcome these barriers to change?

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Please evaluate this phrase: "Every new change is resisted by someone -the goal is to motivate folks to overcome their resistance to change?"

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Please evaluate this phrase: "Every new change is resisted by someone -the goal is to motivate folks to overcome their resistance to change?"

Yes, this is extremely true that people don't like change and more often than not, they try to pose stiff resistance to prevent that change from occurring. Thus, it is extremely crucial for the management and owners of any organization to motivate the employees via various mechanisms in order ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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