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Company examples of good efforts and not so good

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What are some companies you personally feel do a very nice job engaging in social responsibility? What are some companies you believe do not do a nice job being socially responsible?

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The expert examines company's examples of good efforts and not so good.

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Q: What are some companies you personally feel do a very nice job engaging in social responsibility? What are some companies you believe do not do a nice job being socially responsible?


According to Fortune 500, the top two socially responsible companies as of March 2010 are UPS and Starbucks.
UPS - They are the world's leading package delivery business, as well as universal principal in freight and supply chain services. UPS is a socially responsible company, as it is the first delivery service to present the consumer with delivery packaging on the basis of environmental standards. UPS has coined this "Eco- Responsible Packaging Program" which evaluates the consumers packaging method in the area of sustainability such as: packaging resources, damage ...

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