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Web Based eBusiness solution

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How would an organization prepare for the transition from doing its business process by hand (without the aid of automation), to implementing a web-based eBusiness solution to improve its business processes via an online process? Please include how an organization should prepare for this transition both internally within its own office culture and externally with its clients?

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How would an organization prepare for the transition from doing its business process by hand (without the aid of automation), to implementing a web-based eBusiness solution to improve its business processes via an online process? Please include how an organization should prepare for this transition both internally within its own office culture and externally with its clients?

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The process of transformation of a manual process to a truly web based or in other words, the process of transforming a brick and mortar process to a ebusiness, it requires a great deal of planning, analysis and efficient implementation. The process will start with gathering information about the real needs and wants or in other words, recognizing the problem that ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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