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Using course materials and other sources, research available logistics, inventory, and warehouse management technology software tools that could be used in a supply chain.

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Using course materials and other sources, research available logistics, inventory, and warehouse management technology software tools that could be used in a supply chain. Your discussion should include the following:

Identify at least three separate software tools that can used for any logistics, inventory, and warehouse management purpose, explaining their usefulness and purpose. Try to select applications ranging from low-end (low cost, low functionality) to high-end (higher costs, full functionality) to give a comprehensive view of the types of tools available.
Describe the cost of these tools as well as the anticipated cost-benefit.

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"For supply chain management, inventory and warehouse management we generally use materials management and..."

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Today most of the popular supply chain management tools are generally the components of bigger enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. These systems handle many functions such as manufacturing, logistics, distribution, inventory, shipping, invoicing etc... This software generally uses math algorithms to help us improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain and reduce inventory.

SAP R/2 is a very successful (high-cost, full functionality) mainframe based business application software suite. It utilizes a layered model. Th first one is the presentation layer, or client, interfaces with the user. The second one is the application layer. It houses all the business-specific logic information. The third one is the database layer. It records and stores all the information about the system, including transactional ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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