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Why Go Global?

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I always wonder why firms go so aggressively into global markets when they're not even doing well domestically. Does anyone see global expansion as a problem if one's "domestic kitchen" is not in good shape?

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The solution discusses why some companies go agressively into global markets even if they are not even doing well domestically. Resources included.

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Why do firms go so aggressively into global markets when they are not doing well domestically?

I always wonder why firms go so aggressively into global markets when they're not even doing well domestically. Does anyone see global expansion as a problem if one's "domestic kitchen" is not in good shape?

Most startup companies or companies not yet doing well domestically consider overseas expansion for the following reasons:

1. Expansion for the wrong reason and this includes going global just because the local market is in decline or has no growth is not a good reason to expand internationally.
2. Technological progress, the development of fast and low-cost telecommunications connections and the internet and other several developments have facilitated the global trend. Adding to these are the ...

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