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Write a problem statement:

Develop two, succinct problem statements that are at least two paragraphs long. Use electronic (full-text) databases as much as possible in your research. Please use APA style and references.

My research is on: "How bankruptcies can affects small business?"

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This explanation provides you a comprehensive argument relating to bankruptcies

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Writing a problem statement:

Develop two, succinct problem statements that are at least two paragraphs long. Use electronic (full-text) databases as much as possible in your research. Please use APA style and references.

My research is on: "How bankruptcies can affects small business?"

At a time when large banks are striving to avoid bankruptcy and companies are filing for Chapter 11, there is a dearth of information about the effects of bankruptcy on small business. It is important ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "I read your comments, and thank you for this feedback. Do I need to find other studies that applied this methodology Ive used? That's where I'm stuck at."
  • "Thank you kindly sir. "
  • "Excellent and well explained. --Thank you kindly. "
  • "Awesome notes. I appreciate you."
  • "I have the follow-up project and I will assign that to you very soon. "
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