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Problems with Outsourcing a Project

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Discuss three issues that can deter high performance when outsourcing a project. Discuss ways that these issues can be reduced or eliminated ahead of time or during the project duration.

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Three main issues have been identified and explained. Also, the possible solution for the three issues has also been presented along side.

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Outsourcing of Project: Issues

Discuss three issues that can deter high performance when outsourcing a project. Discuss ways that these issues can be reduced or eliminated ahead of time or during the project duration.

[**// I have provided you with the basic points. Please use this and go through the references to expand the answer//**]

Issue 1: Understanding of the Contract:

Outsourcing of a business involves a lot of changes in both sides of the business. Every outsourcing includes contracts. Here, in most cases, the performance of the two teams can be affected by the lack of knowledge or understanding of the contract. Communicating the details of the contract to all team members can take ...

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