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Competitor Analysis

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I need help with competitor analysis of the car rental companies such as, Hertz Canada, Avis Canada & Discount truck & rental. I have mentioned their websites below.

Hertz Rent a car:

Avis Car Rental:


Discount car & truck rentals:


. Please discuss the following related to each competitor:
o Their future goals
o Current Strategy
o Assumptions
o Capabilities
You do not need to provide extensive detail about each company but rather an overview of the above.

Please provide all the sources that are being used to get the information.

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Competitor Analysis is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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Hertz Rent a car:
o Their future goals To become the choice brand for vehicle and equipment rental and leasing solutions. Its mission is to become the most customer focused, cost efficient vehicle and equipment leasing company. Their future goals includes spreading its operations in different parts of the world. In addition, it wants to gain global leadership in rental and sale of heavy equipment, buy/sell used cars, Its positioning is to provide high car rental services.
o Current Strategy:
The current strategy is to differentiate its services and the cars it markets. The company implements its strategies through tactics like renting the fun collection, the prestige collection, and the green collection. In addition, Hertz Rent a car differentiates its products by offering technological features like Hertz Neverlost in-car satellite based navigation, color LCD display, and street address lookups. It uses advertising to launch new campaigns and build brand equity. It even has sub-brands, Simply Wheelz for the economy minded persons and advantage for the leisure market.
o Assumptions:
The assumptions of Hertz Rent a car are that quality attracts customers and enables it to get higher prices and be more profitable. It assumes that there are leisure seeking travelers that are ...

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