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International IMC for Burger King

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Select a U.S.-based company and a product or service that it produces. Assume this company is seeking to introduce the product or service into another country of your choosing. The product has been successful in the United States and in Europe.

For: Burger King

1. Briefly describe the company and product/service.

2. Analyze the designated foreign market with a focus on the different cultural areas that could impact on IMC activities.

3. Develop a creative IMC concept to position your product in that country.

4. Describe how your IMC will appeal to customers in your chosen market.

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Solution Summary

The solution explains the Description of Burger King, its focus on a single designated market India which Burger Kings actually has plans to enter and the different cultural areas that could impact the company in this market along with suggestive IMC concept to position the product in the country and how IMC is going to appeal to this market.

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Choose a company: Burger King


The business of Burger King was initially started under the brand name of Insta-Burger King by Keith J. Kramer and Mathew Burns in the year 1953 in Jacksonville, Florida U.S. The company acquired the rights to Insta Machines and made it mandatory for its franchisees to build their stores around an Insta-Broiler. The Insta-Burger King ran into financial difficulties and was purchased by its Miami based franchisees James McLamore and David Edgerton. In 1963, the company opened its first restaurant outside in United States of America in Peurto Rico. The company has gone through a series of acquisitions. The business was sold to Pillsbury company in 1967. In 1989, it was acquired by British entertainment conglomerate Grand Metropolitan and its successor Diageo. In 2000, the company was acquired by TPG Capital and in 2010, it was eventually sold to 3G Capital of Brazil.

Initially the company started selling Hamburgers, French Fries, Soft Drinks, Milk Shakes and Desserts. In 1957, it launched a Whopper Burger which became a signature hamburger for Burger King. The company also ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, M.D.S University, Ajmer
  • MBA, M.D.S University, Ajmer
  • PhD, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur
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