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Corporate Social Responsibility for Change

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• Review the mission and vision statements for Walden University and the School of Public Policy and Administration ("About the School") found in this week's Learning Resources.
• Reflect on your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program and specialization
• Think about how your academic and professional goals reflect a commitment to social change
• Consider how your attendance at academic residencies will aid you in achieving your personal and professional goals.

Explain your vision for positive social change in the context of your professional and academic goals. Then, explain how Walden University's mission and vision can help you achieve your goals. Also explain how academic residencies in particular can help you achieve your goals.
• Walden University. (2014). About the school. Retrieved from http://www.waldenu.edu/colleges-schools/school-of-public-policy-and-administration/about
• Walden University. (2014). Get to know Walden. Retrieved from http://www.waldenu.edu/about
• Walden University. (2014). Vision and mission statements. Retrieved from http://www.waldenu.edu/about/who-we-are/data/vision-mission-statements

This is only answering a discussion. It is not a very detailed paper.

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Corporate social responsibility is examined. Positive social change is determined.

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Explain your vision for positive social change in the context of your professional and academic goals. Then, explain how Walden University's mission and vision can help you achieve your goals. Also explain how academic residencies in particular can help you achieve your goals.

The vision for positive social change in business is predicated upon engaging in corporate socially responsible business practices that are placated upon ethical actions and behaviors. The university is committed to ethical and socially responsible education for students, which will assist in helping the student gain the necessary views and ...

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  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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