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Managing Conflict - Affective and Cognitive

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1: How does affective conflict arise within teams?

2: How does cognitive conflict arise within teams?

3: How can affective conflict be managed within teams?

4: How can cognitive conflict be managed within teams?

Each of these research questions will be approached through the filters of action research, which are: (a) A problem-solving orientation; (b) a solution-generating orientation; (c) the use of creativity in problem-solving, (d) the relaxation of hierarchy in problem-solving, and (e) a hands-on orientation.

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1. Affective conflict usually arises within teams when there are a variety of unique personalities within these teams, which results in differing perceptions of outlooks on the problem that has to be solved by the team. These differing personalities and differing outlooks and perceptions result in interpersonal conflicts between team members who think that their methodologies of the best ways in which to effectively carry out the activities.

2. Cognitive conflict ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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