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Mergers and acquisitions

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T-Mobile - Sprint Merger?
Rumors about potential mergers are often a hot topic in the business press. One rumor being floated around recently is a potential merger between mobile phone giants T-Mobile and Sprint. Mergers between two large companies are always complicated, but some have noted the possible synergies in 4G technologies that might be possible in such a merger.

As you know from reading the material in the background materials, mergers can bring about great rewards but also can bring great risks and pitfalls. For this assignment, do some research concerning the arguments both for and against such a merger from a financial perspective. For this module we are not so concerned with how consumers may fair, as this is an issue for the government to consider if they have to approve this merger. Instead you are considering this from the point of view of whether or not such a merger would be a profitable undertaking that would add value to the shareholders of both corporations.

There are may different articles on this potential merger, but here is one link to get you started:


But do not limit yourself to this article. Use Proquest, EbscoWeb, and other sources in the Cyberlibrary. Use various internet search engines such as news.google.com for the latest news on this merger. Look at the webpages for Yahoo and Microsoft. Then write a five page paper answering the following question:

Do you think a merger between Sprint and T-Mobile would add value to the shareholders of both corporations?

In your answer to this primary question, consider the following issues:

1. The impact on T-Mobile shareholders

2. The impact on Sprint shareholders

3. The financial condition of both corporations

4. Why might T-Mobile and Sprint combined as one company be more profitable than they would if they remain independent?

5. Potential pitfalls - might the combined entity actually be less profitable than either company operating independently?

In addition to making use of concepts from the background materials for this module, feel free to use concepts from Modules 1-4 as well.

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Mergers and acquisitions
T-Mobile - Sprint Merger?
Rumors about potential mergers are often a hot topic in the business press. One rumor being floated around recently is a potential merger between mobile phone giants T-Mobile and Sprint. Mergers between two large companies are always complicated, but some have noted the possible synergies in 4G technologies that might be possible in such a merger.


Do you think a merger between Sprint and T-Mobile would add value to the shareholders of both corporations?
About Sprint
Sprint Nextel offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications services and served more than 48.8 million customers at the end of the third quarter of 2010. It is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including the first wireless 4G service from a national carrier in the United States; offering industry-leading mobile data services, leading prepaid brands including Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile, Common Cents Mobile and Assurance Wireless; instant national and international push-to-talk capabilities; and a global Tier 1 Internet backbone. It has been ranked No. 6 in its 2010 Green Rankings, listing it as one of the nation's greenest companies, the ...

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