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Program management, acquisition, and evaluation

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1. Define Program Management (within the DoD) and list three traits of an effective program manager.

2. What are Acquisition Categories (ACATs) and why is the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) important?

3. What is the PPBE process and explain the Request for Proposal (RFP) process?

4. Where does Test & Evaluation (T&E) fit into the acquisition process?

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The expert examines program management, acquisition and evaluations.

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Hope you are well.

In analyzing the organization structure of the DoD, the outlining of the main particulars relating to certain roles for successful managing of government resources occurs. Let's take a look at some core elements relating to the DoD division:

1. Define Program Management (within the DoD) and list three traits of an effective program manager.

Try and think of a program manager within the DoD as the main component for gaining information and applying strategic analysis to decipher the proper forward path. The program manager role is for recommendations in improving the DoD that outlines a way for efficiency within the division unit. In outlining the need ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, American Intercontinental University
  • MBA, American Intercontinental University
  • PhD (IP), Grand Canyon University
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