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Evaluate the concept of "comparable worth," summarizing the arguments pro and con. What position do you take?

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Evaluate the concept of "comparable worth," summarizing the arguments pro and con. What position do you take? Pay special attention to the equity issues involved.

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The concepts of comparable worth is examined. The expert summarizes the arguments of pros and cons.

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Comparable Worth

In the 1980's a reform was proposed that when compared, jobs performed by women should be judged comparable to jobs performed solely by men and the pay scale should be the same. This movement is what is referred to as comparable worth or Pay equity. Comparable worth can be described as a U.S. doctrine that men and women who perform work of the same value to the organization should receive similar levels of compensation (Weatherhead, n.d).

Comparable worth has been promoted by feminists and advocates of women's rights as the most significant new tool in the struggle to bring women's economic positions up to the level of men's (Williams & Kessler, 1984).

Comparable worth is a strategy that attempts to correct past injustices. But implementation of comparable worth risks imposing new costs on society, and raises new questions.

Supporters of Comparable Worth

Comparable worth has been promoted by feminists and advocates of women's rights movement.
The supporters of comparable worth point to the relatively depressed wages of those in largely female professions, ...

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