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Performance Appraisal System for the Tall Pines Hotel

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Performance Appraisal Exercise

Take yourselves back to the Tall Pines Hotel, which thanks to your expert recruiting and selection strategies is now up and running, and enjoying a profitable first year. Now the time has come to evaluate the performance of your employees. Please develop a series of performance criteria for the following job positions:

1) Hotel assistant managers - mainly responsible for running the front desk, greeting customers, and managing the hourly employees.
2) Cleaning crew - responsible for cleaning rooms and laundering linens.
3) Concierge - provides information to guests on local attractions, including making reservations, booking tickets, and providing directions.

Please write a performance appraisal system with at least 3 measurement items, including one based upon the attribute approach, the behavioral approach (either BOS or BARS), and the results approach (with objective and quantifiable criteria) for each position. Also, include a description of who will rate the employees (i.e. supervisors, peers, customers, etc.).

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Solution Summary

This solution evaluates the performance of the Tall Pine's Hotel concierge, hotel assistant managers, and housekeeping staff by writing a performance appraisal system with at least 3 measurement items, including one based upon the attribute approach, the behavioral approach (either BOS or BARS), and the results approach (with objective and quantifiable criteria) for each position. Also, the solution includes a description of who will rate the employees (i.e. supervisors, peers, customers, etc.). Links are included.

Solution Preview

Tall Pines Hotel Appraisal System:

Employees will be assessed once a year, however, customer feedback and comments shall be placed within each employee's file throughout the year for review at the time of assessment. In addition, should an employee score below average on any particular characteristic or task they will be re-assessed at three-month intervals? Should progress not ensue through training and mentoring termini nation will result? At Tall Pines Hotel we strive to be a world-class operation so our standards are rigorous and demanding of superior customer service.

In each case the employee will be reviewed and rated by their immediate supervisors since they are the ones most familiar with the employees' work and also because they can utilize this opportunity to coach employees toward better behavior. This method is a more accurate way to judge employees; ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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