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Prepare a performance statement report p12-17

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BA 510; Accounting for Decision Making and Control, Seventh Edition

12-17: Software Associates (SA) is a computer software consulting firm that specializes in designing and implementing integrated marketing database warehousing programs. Humphrey Catalog is a client. In preparing its bid for Humphrey, SA estimates its total labor cost for this project to be $222,500, broken down as follows:
Budgeted Hours Budgeted Wage Budgeted Costs
Partner 100 $175 $17,500
Associate 300 120 36,000
Senior Analyst 600 90 54,000
Analyst 1,000 40 40,000
Programmer 3,000 25 75,000
Total $222,500

After completing the Humphrey contract, SA reports the following data.
Actual Hours Actual Cost
Partner 90 $15,750
Associate 280 35,000
Senior Analyst 750 63,750
Analyst 1,400 49,000
Programmer 3,600 82,800
Total $246,300

a. Prepare a performance statement report for the Humphrey Catalog project.

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Solution Summary

Response is 302 words, including a report and discussion of what likely happened.

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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