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Team member inaction

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Describe a situation in which you were part of a formal work group and one of the members of the group did not contribute much work to the project. How did the other group members deal with this person? How did this person's behavior affect the attitude of the other group members?

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A scenario of a team where one member did not do their job and participate in the team.

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On a team I was on, we choose to avoid a conflict and potential disintegration of relationships between departments by working around the issue of one member of the group. The team leader handled the ultimate review of her performance. The team was under a strict, short deadline and we felt that spending time forcing the team member to do her part or arguing with her about her lack of support was too time consuming.

The work group was charged with finding the best methods of delivery for new programs for students. We worked in teams of two to find the best programs, the best prices, the most efficient delivery, best terms for payment, and tested the three top choices. Each group was assigned to two of the areas, best programs and how extensive those programs were was my team. Others would look at the best prices and best payment terms offered by companies and another team examined the delivery times, and ...

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