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Distributions Strategies for a Discount Store

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Discussion Questions
1. Consider a large discount store. Discuss some products and suppliers for which the discount store should use a cross-docking strategy; some products and suppliers better suited to a direct-shipment strategy; and, finally, some products and suppliers for which the discount store should utilize a change to; "traditional warehousing strategy."
2. Consider the following supply chains. For each one, list specific advantages of centralized and decentralized management, and centralized and local facilities:
a. Milk and dairy products
b. Newspapers
c. MP3 players
d. Cars
e. Jeans
3. What companies or supply chains can you think of that use an inventory pooling strategy?
4. What companies or supply chains can you think of that use transshipment strategies?

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840+ words, with references on cross-docking and warehousing strategies in a large discount store.

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Distributions Strategies
Discussion Questions

1. Consider a large discount store:

Discuss some products and suppliers for which the discount store should use a cross-docking strategy;

- "A cross-docking strategy is appropriate for suppliers of fast moving nonperishable products, such as beer, rice, and shampoo, with high overall sales volumes, but relatively low demands at individual stores. In this case, cross-docking helps to coordinate shipments of fully loaded trucks."

some products and suppliers better suited to a direct-shipment strategy;

- "Perishable products for which lead times are critical, e.g., dairy products like milk and yogurt, are best suited to a direct shipment strategy."

and, finally, some products and ...

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