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knowledge of the product's characteristics and distribution

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Identify several products that have extreme characteristics with regards to weight-bulk ratio, value-weight ratio, substitutability, and risk. Some suggestions are assembled bicycles, sand for glassmaking, and prescription drugs sold at retail, but you should choose different exmaples. Explain how knowledge of the product's characteristcs can be used to specify or alter the way in which the products are distributed.

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Identify several products that have extreme characteristics with regards to weight-bulk ratio, value-weight ratio, substitutability, and risk. Some suggestions are assembled bicycles, sand for glassmaking, and prescription drugs sold at retail, but you should choose different exmaples. Explain how knowledge of the product's characteristcs can be used to specify or alter the way in which the products are distributed.

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Some of the products with extreme characteristics as to weight-bulk and value-weight ratio can include plastic products such as large plastic containers (e.g. water tanks), storage containers or packaging material like Thermocol or diamond/platinum jewelry. The knowledge of the product's characteristics is very important in deciding on the distribution strategies because the organization needs to ensure secure delivery of products at the most cost effective rates. Hence, it is imperative for organizations to modify or alter the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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