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Sun Micro Systems Strategy Implementation

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I understand you can't do the work for me, but can you give me guidance on SFAS, IFAS and EFAS tables for Sun.com and guide me to strategic alternatives and recommendations.


Research the Sun Micro Systems site (http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/investor/rss/index.jsp).
Using your readings, the Library, and the Internet, and any additional resources necessary, you are being asked to complete the following sections of a Strategic Audit (See examples starting on page 78 and pages 179-185 following appendix 11.C):

1. Analysis of Strategic Factors. Since you are aware that your analysis of strategic factors or SFAS (Strategic Factor Analysis Summary) is based on IFAS and EFAS tables, and since we will need to understand your choices, you are required to submit the three tables in Excel format in one separate file from your written Word assignment. No submission of an Excel file or submission of a table in a Word file will cause you to lose half of the points of this assignment. No comments are needed on the IFAS and the EFAS tables, but comments are needed on the SFAS table, which is the foundation for this assignment (You will submit one Excel file that will include three separate sheets, one for the IFAS, one for the EFAS and one for the SFAS). As a reminder, two files are to be submitted: One Excel file (counting for three pages) and one Word file (five to seven pages double-spaced). You will be graded on your knowledge of the software and math in building the MS Excel tables, and on your ability to communicate in writing and present your arguments.

2. Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy Here you will be graded on your ability to analyze economic, socio-cultural, political-legal, technological, and financial data to justify your available strategies and the one(s) you recommend.

3. Implementation: Describe the implementation of the strategy(ies) you recommended.

4. Evaluation and Control How do you evaluate the performance of your implemented strategy(ies)? For a sample outline of a Strategic Audit, review examples starting on page 78 and appendix 11.C.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 2265 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 2265 words with references.
//Before writing about the strategic factor analysis of Sun Microsystems, we will write about the overview of the company under the heading of Introduction. It will assist in understanding the business operations and industry of the company as well as its product offerings. Then, we will discuss about the SWOT analysis of the company.//


Sun Microsystems is successfully operating its business in the competitive market place. It is a multinational company that deals in computers, computer software, consulting and information technology services including workstations, servers, etc. The company is based in US with headquarter in Santa Clara of California and has business in around 100 countries across the globe. The company's product offering comprises of the workstations, storage software, operating system and different management applications. It is the most prominent developer of open systems. Recently, Sun Microsystems and Oracle Corporation entered into a well defined agreement stating that in $7.4 billion, Oracle Corporation will acquire Sun Microsystems (Sun Microsystems, 2009).

The technology provided by Sun Microsystems mainly focuses towards establishing participation, leadership and development in the community. The network platforms and operating systems are widely used by the different segments of society as well as industry. The products offered by the company assist the consumers in developing social networks, managing financial and manufacturing services, etc (Rymer, 2007). The paper will provide a detailed discussion about the strategic factor analysis summary of the Sun Microsystems. Along with this, the strategies for managing its operations in the market will also be discussed. It will assist in evaluating the performance of the company in the global market place strategically.

SWOT Analysis

The competitive business environment of the global market place is posing challenges in front of the company Sun Microsystems. The operations of the company and the organizational environment are highly influenced by the challenges posed by the global business environment. SWOT analysis will be helpful in effectively analyzing the challenges and their impact on the company's internal as well as external environment (Wilson & Gilligan, 2005).

//Above, we discussed about the overview of Sun Microsystems and importance of SWOT analysis. Now, we will discuss about the internal factor analysis summary (IFAS) of the company comprising of the analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. It will assist in analyzing the effect of internal factors on the performance of the company in the global market. The IFAS is also represented in the excel sheet. //

Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS):

The internal factor analysis summary of the company will be helpful in analyzing the internal factors of Sun Microsystems and their impact on its business operations in the global business environment (Wilson & Gilligan, 2005). The analysis of the strengths and weaknesses for Sun Microsystems is described below:


Ø Corporate governance and corporate leadership: It is one of the strengths of Sun Microsystems. The Chairman and CEO of the company, Scott McNealy focused on effective management, motivation and organizational structure for the employees, which strengthens the corporate governance of the company. The trust and confidence of the CEO on the employees is due to the corporate structure and motivational work environment of the company. With the assistance of this, the workforce provides effective performance for making the company successful in the global market place (Sun Microsystems, 2009).

Ø Strong R & D base: Sun Microsystems possess strong base of research and development department. The strong determination, engineering and architecture workforce of the company makes the innovation and networking strategies of the company successful. The technologically equipped ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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