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Forking and Scheduling: Few programs and problems

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[A] What happens when you run the following piece of code:

main(int argc, char ** argv)

[B] Given the following piece of code:

main(int argc, char ** argv)
int child = fork();
int c = 5;

if(child == 0)
c += 5;
child = fork();
c += 10;
c += 5;

How many different copies of the variable c are there? What are their values?

[C] Given the following piece of code

main(int argc, char ** argv)

void forkthem(int n)
if(n > 0)

How many processes are created if the above piece of code is run?

[D] Most round-robin schedulers use a fixed size quantum. Give an argument in favor of and against a small quantum.

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Solution Summary

Solution explains the concept of "fork bomb" and effects of "smaller quantum" in fixed-size quantum round-robin scheduling, apart from giving detailed explanations behind the solution in not-so-obvious cases.

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[A] This program creates a "fork bomb" that will keep on creating copies of itself forever. Very soon, the limit on maximum number of user processes for the user is reached (please refer to "ulimit -a" output for this limit) and no further process can be created by the user. Further "fork" attempts will give the error ...

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