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software architecture

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The traditional software development process changes profoundly when software architecture is its technical foundation. Consider issues such as the experience needed to successfully exploit an architecture, productivity gains, potential to overlook novel solutions, advantages for evolving product families, and architectural degradation. Propose a situation where a software architecture would be helpful, and one where it would be detrimental. Explain your reasoning.

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The traditional software development process changes profoundly when software architecture is its technical foundation. Consider issues such as the experience needed to successfully exploit an architecture, productivity gains, potential to overlook novel solutions, advantages for evolving product families, and architectural degradation. Propose a situation where a software architecture would be helpful, and one where it would be detrimental. Explain your reasoning.

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Software architecture is helpful in numerous situations. For example, Software architecture is extremely useful in situations wherein performance, quality and maintainability is highly desired during software development projects and project sponsors are concerned about maintaining cost and timely delivery. In such a situation, software architecture is very beneficial because architecture provides a platform or vehicle for achieving ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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