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price elasticity of supply for the airline industry

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I am trying to find out more about the airline industry. I know since 9/11 and the war the airline industry has been affected by gas prices and security threats, etc. In the airline industry, there have been shifts in price elasticity of supply and demand. Is the price considered elasticity or inelastic? What is the price elasticity of supply for the airline industry?

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The price elasticity of supply for the airline industry is determined.

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The airline industry has been affected adversely since the 9/11 attacks. Both the demand and supply have come under fire, each due to its own reasons. After the September 11 attacks, the demand for air travel plummeted immensely, but has now probably resurged to the original levels. However, further threats like the liquid explosives in the UK have been playing dice with the demand for air travel. Because of the the threats, people preferred not to travel by air. This ...

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