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The Success or Failure of the TARP program in the U.S.

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The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) program was a capital budget project for Federal Government. So far the government has gotten a large portion of the money back. Do you think it was the right decision to enact the TARP program?

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This solution explains the evaluation of the TARP in US. The sources used are also included in the solution.

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The Troubled Asset Relief Program should be considered to be a failure. It is a huge cost to the taxpayer. The taxpayers are still owed $118.5 billion. The treasury has incurred write-offs of $4.2 billion and realized losses of $9.8 billion. The most substantial losses from Troubled Asset Relief Program are likely to come from housing programs and from assistance to AIG and the automobile industry. The main purpose of TARP was to stabilize the financial sector by purchasing ...

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