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Capital Market Line

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A portfolio that combines the risk-free asset and the market portfolio has an expected return of 25 percent and a standard deviation of 4 percent. The risk-free rate is 5 percent, and the expected return on the market portfolio is 20 percent. Assume the capital-asset-pricing model holds. What expected rate of return would a security earn if it had 0.5 correlation with the market portfolio and a standard deviation of 2 percent?

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Solution Summary

This post calculates the STD of the market portfolio using the Capital Market Line (CML).

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First of all, we need to calculate the STD of the market portfolio using the Capital Market Line (CML): The risk-free rate asset rate is 5% and a STD equal to zero; the portfolio has an expected return of 25% and a STD equal to 4%. These two points must lie on the Capital Market Line.

The slope of the Capital Market Line is:

Slope of CML = Increase in Expected Return / Increase in Standard Deviation
= (0.25- 0.05) / ...

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