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Interview with an Adult Educator Corporate Trainer

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Interview with an adult educator corporate trainer:

Synthesizes your findings. Include the following components in your synthesis:

a. Background, experience, and training for the position
b. Andragogical techniques he/she employs
c. Traditional and/or non-traditional instructional models used
d. Characteristics of the adult learners
e. Challenges and benefits of working with adults

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By including the suggested components, this solution provides assistance in preparing an interview with an adult educator corporate trainer, and how to synthesize the findings. Supplemented with a resource on tips for teaching adult learners.

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1. Interview with an adult educator corporate trainer: Synthesizes your findings. Include the following components in your synthesis:

a. Background, experience, and training for the position

? Experience in teaching and training in Adult Mental Health facilities and Adult Drug and Alcohol Facilities.
? Bachelor Degree and Masters in Education with a certificate in Adult Education.

b. Andragogical techniques he/she employs

The principles of adult learning guide the processes used in training professionals. The following key factors helped conduct successful training programs:

1. Because learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat, established an environment where participants feel safe and supported; where individual needs and uniqueness are honored; where abilities and life achievements are acknowledged and respected.

2. Treated participants as peers, accepted and respected as intelligent experienced adults whose opinions are listened to, honored, and appreciated.

3. Delivered content that has relevance, so participants can relate what they learn to past experience. The brain automatically searches for meaning, patterns, and relationships based on prior knowledge and experience. Learners cannot separate the learning of a skill from the meaning that skill has for them.

4. Learners will perceive the content within their own global view. Therefore, elaborated on my intended context, including history, purpose, methods, and intended results.

5. Delivered content that has immediacy; people learn best what they can apply right away.

6. Facilitated self-directed learning, where participants make action plans and take responsibility for their own on-going, professional development.

7. Provided opportunities for participants to give feedback and input to the learning process, and to give and receive feedback and input from trainers and other participants.

8. Guided learning processes that foster team work and provide opportunities for team members to:
? Developed team norms and guidelines for working together
? Shared perspectives, knowledge, insight, and experience
? Tell personal stories, creating common ground and connection
? Developed materials and carry out tasks
? Made action plans and decisions
? Had fun ...

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