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Why is communication is critical when working with students

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Autism is considered to be a severe disability because it has a lifelong impact on both the individual and their family. It has also been linked with mental retardation in 75% of those with the disorder and is estimated that half of those determined to have autism do not have functional speech. These linked disabilities often can cause significant problems for families, even beyond those typical behavior issues, lack of basic life skills and failure to communicate.

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Autism is considered to be a severe disability because it has a lifelong impact on both the individual and their family. It has also been linked with mental retardation in 75% of those with the disorder and is estimated that half of those determined to have autism do not have functional speech. These linked disabilities often can cause significant problems for families, even beyond those typical behavior issues, lack of basic life skills and failure to communicate.

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Autism is considered to be a severe disability because it has a lifelong impact on both the individual and their family. It has also been linked with mental retardation in 75% of those with the disorder and is estimated that half of those determined to have autism do not have functional speech. These linked disabilities often can cause significant problems for families, even beyond those typical behavior issues, lack of basic life skills and failure to communicate.

Students with a diagnosis of autism communicate in a very literal way. In an article by Neil Humphrey (Including Pupils with autistic spectrum disorder in the mainstream), the author states that any use of figurative language, like metaphors and figures of speech, can cause much confusion for students with autism. This can be exacerbated by the common use of metaphors and similie in everyday English language. It can be even worsened when a teacher takes the student's literal response as an act of insolence. An example given in this article is when a teacher tells a student to "pull your socks up!t" and the student reaching down to do so. The ...

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