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Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Process

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Part 1

Define instructional media and discuss its purpose. Address these questions:

Where does instructional media fit in the instructional systems design (ISD) process?

In the ISD process, when do you select instructional media?

What criteria do you use to select appropriate instructional media?

Based on your field, discuss some real-world applications of instructional media.

Part 2

Provide a summary of your thoughts on the role of computers in an education and/or training environment. Specifically, more about stand-alone computer-based applications for learning (such as computer labs, workplace computers, or home computer) and networked computer-based applications (such as online courses) for distributed learning.

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Solution Summary

This solution responds to the two set of problems related to instructional media, instructional systems design (ISD) process, and the role of computers in an education and/or training environment.

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