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Examples of Main & Subordinate Clauses

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In the sentences below, identify all main and subordinate clauses

1. The principal hired three new teachers.
2. Although it rained quite a bit last night, we did not experience any flooding.
3. The physician treated all the individuals who were in the accident.

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A student presented three sentences with the request to identify all the main and subordinate clauses. This was done with all three sentences, along with the relevant explanation.

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Hi there, I'll list the identified main and subordinate clauses:


1. "The principal hired three new teachers."

The main clause here is "The principal" and the subordinate clause - the part that would not ...

Solution provided by:
  • MA, London Metropolitian University
  • BSc, London Metropolitan University & University of Derby
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  • "Thank you for your explanation. I'm a little lost with how to format my essay. I'm not sure what should be in a comparative essay's paragraph or the order of the paragraph. I am required to use quotes in my essay and I don't know which ones fit really well with my topic. The translation helps me understand but I'm having trouble identfying important quotes that fit. Also, my instructor just advised that we are required to asses a secondary source about my topic and agree or disagree with it and use it to show understanding of the argument. Can you recommed any sources that would fit well with my topic please? Thank you so much for your help!"
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