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Food and Drug Administration and Ethics

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In 1995, Higgs promulgated his iconocastic view of the FDA as a wrecking ball, contending that the agency has delayed approval of new or improved medical devices. From the FDA's perspective, meticulous analysis of devices is requisite to serving public safety. Premature approval of drugs or devices can result in avoidable fatalities.

How do you view the FDA?

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The solution discusses food and drug administration ethics.

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FDA and ethics
In 1995, Higgs promulgated his iconocastic view of the FDA as a wrecking ball, contending that the agency has delayed approval of new or improved medical devices. From the FDA's perspective, meticulous analysis of devices is requisite to serving public safety. Premature approval of drugs or devices can result in avoidable fatalities.
How do you view the FDA?

Robert Higgs believed that the FDA is doing many damages to the health and well being of individual seeking treatments and cures from drug that are developed by the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. He stated that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is delaying or denying drugs and procedures and preventing patients from choosing an alternative that may cure or ameliorate their condition. He thinks that the FDA has slowed the rate at which it approves new or improved medical devices and has pursued an aggressive strategy in which the FDA treat all regulated firms as felons, restricting communication and cooperation with them. Since then, many firms have moved their operations abroad or begun planning to do so. Robert Higgs believed ...

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