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Reasons for the Unfathomable Conditions of Patients at Willbrook

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Generally, the steps in a '5 Whys' process are based on fact. However, If one or more of your later 'whys' come from your opinion(s) that would be acceptable so long as you clearly state they are your opinions and defend them. Minimally, each answer should be a substantial and well developed paragraph.

Complete the 5 Whys Analysis based on this article:
http://www.oac.cdlib.org/view docId=hb187001cx;NAAN=13030&doc.view=frames&chunk.id=div00038&toc.depth=1&toc.id=div00027&brand=oac4

The residents of the Willowbrook State School live in absolutely unacceptable conditions:
First question: Why do the residents live in unacceptable conditions?
Example: Your answer to this first question is "because there is inadequate funding for the institution". Fully develop and support this answer as a way of bring you to your next question.
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:

The Root Cause
In a single succinct sentence: What is your root cause?
My Root Cause:

P.S.: The root cause is not the lack of money. At Willowbrook, funding issues and lack of money was the direct cause of the institutions problems - not the root cause. Your root cause needs to examine deeper issues.The purpose of this assignment is to complete the 5 Whys Analysis and identify what you believe is the root cause for why residents in the Willowbrook State School live in such terrible conditions.
Support your answers with citations when needed and enter your references.

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Solution Summary

This response discusses the horrors at Willowbrook State School and the reasons behind the unfathomable conditions of patients.

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Answer 1:
The impetus behind the horrific and unacceptable conditions was predicated upon the culture lack of conscience, lack of commitment, and lack of humanity for what had happened. The primary issue was that those in charge of Willowbrook State School lacked any conceptual understanding that mental retardation was either an educational situation or condition, or a social situation or condition, as opposed to a hopeless, feudal medical backwater constituency, that would never be cured and had to be humanely warehoused. This warehouse mentality that enabled those within ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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