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Food Safety Brochure

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Food Safety Brochure

Consider the following scenario: Imagine that your city has experienced a drastic rise in food-borne illness. The public lacks the knowledge about appropriate food safety to prevent these problems, and they do not know how to educate themselves about nutrition and health.

Create a public service brochure, with appropriate images, to be printed in the Sunday edition of your newspaper. Include the following points:

? Identify some common safety issues related to food purchase, storage, and preparation.
? Describe some illnesses or problems the safety issues might cause, and ways to prevent the illnesses or problems.
? Make recommendations for where readers might search for more information regarding food safety.

o Include criteria that readers must use to determine credible sources of nutritional information.
o Explain why it is important for readers to use these criteria when searching for information on nutrition and health.

Research online news sources, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and notices from the local health department to assist you with preparing content for the brochure.

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Solution Summary

The Solution provides some example notes that can be used for a brochure on food safety.

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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