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How to Achieve Nutritional Health

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1) What are some different ways I can make sure that I get all of the necessary micronutrients daily?
2) List the foods that are rich in Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Potassium, Folate, Biotin, Niacin, B Vitamins.
3) How might taking vitamin pills have both positive and negative affects on your body based on your diet? What is your opinion of taking supplements?

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How to achieve the necessary micronutrients daily is emphasized.

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1) Here are some ways I can make sure that I get all of the necessary micronutrients daily:

1) Eat well; especially food that is rich in the above micronutrients

2) Take multivitamins/multiminerals/multiphytonutrients

3) Carefully monitor/measure the amount of micronutrients you are taking

4) Understand the absorption process of micronutrients (e.g. some vitamins need others in order to be properly absorbed by the body).

2) Sources of foods rich in:

Selenium- Plant foods are the major dietary sources of selenium, some meats and seafood.
Zinc-Shellfish, especially oysters, Fish, Poultry, Red Meat, Peas, Beans, Nuts, Whole grains, Seeds, Dairy products, Cereals-bran flakes made from wheat, Pumpkin seeds, Dried yeast, Dry roasted cashews, Dry roasted pecans, Dry roasted almonds.
Iron-eggs (especially the yolk), fish, liver, meat poultry, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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