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Case Study of Flaws in the Criminal Trial System: OJ Simpson

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Review the following website to familiarize yourself with some of the criminal trial history, paying attention to the trial overview coverage beginning on page 7:


Also conduct an internet search and review other sources for an overview of the trial.

Based on your reading, answer the following:

1. Do you believe that the OJ Simpson case highlighted any flaws in the criminal trial system?

2. Do you believe that media coverage plays any role in high profile criminal cases like the OJ Simpson case?

3. Does the outcome of the case say anything about the effectiveness and quality of juries in terms of verdicts they return?

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Solution Summary

The flaws in the criminal trial systems for the OJ Simpson is determined. A case study is examined.

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1. Do you believe that the OJ Simpson case highlighted any flaws in the criminal trial system?

The OJ Simpson case highlighted numerous flaws in the criminal justice system. The first aspect of the criminal justice system to be shown as flawed as a result of the trial was the investigative and forensic aspect of criminal justice. The mishandling, alleged tampering, and sheer incompetence of the investigative process would represent a primary reason the case was mismanaged during the trial. Once the mismanagement of the DNA and other vital areas of the investigative process were brought to light at trial, the defense was able to sow reasonable doubt in the mind of jurors. In addition, the allegations of racism that were substantiated exposed the rampant problem of discrimination within the LAPD. This is a major issue in the criminal justice system as many minorities can attest to having evidence planted or fabricated against them for a conviction.

The second aspect of the criminal justice system to become exposed as a result of the trial was ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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