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Contact List Evaluate exponential -- MAT 201

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Imagine that every single person in your contact list (268) has the same number of people in their contact list (268) as you. Write this total number of all the contacts in all the phones (ignore the fact that some may repeat) as an exponential. Next, evaluate this exponential.

How do I write this as an exponential?

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Solution Summary

The attached solution contains a complete answer to the contact list problem. The situation given is one in which every person on your contact list has the same number of contacts. A step by step calculation with explanations is given. The solution is very elaborate and should be easier to understand. The solution is given in 200 words.

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Please find attached the solution. Thank you for asking Brainmass.

Problem: Imagine that every single person in your contact list (268) has the same number of people in their contact list (268) as you. Write this total number of all the contacts in all the phones (ignore the fact that some may repeat) as an exponential. Next, evaluate this ...

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