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five-step problem-solving process

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1.Solve using the five-step problem-solving process. Show all steps necessary to arrive at your solution.

The sum of the page numbers on the facing pages of a book is 285. Find the larger page number.

2. Solve using the five-step problem-solving process. Show all steps necessary to arrive at your solution.

The second angle of a triangle is 3 times as large as the first. The third angle is 55° more than the first. Find the measure of the smallest angle.

3. Use an inequality and the five-step process to solve the problem. Show all steps necessary to arrive at your solution.

In order for a chemical reaction to take place, the Fahrenheit temperature of the reagents must be at least 184.49° F. Find the Celsius temperatures at which the reaction may occur. Use C = (F - 32).

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Apply the five-step problem-solving process.

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1. Solve using the five-step problem-solving process. Show all steps necessary to arrive at your solution.

The sum of the page numbers on the facing pages of a book is 285. Find the larger page number.

Let the larger page number be x

Then smaller page number will be x - 1 as both the pages are facing pages.

Given sum of pages is 285

Therefore equation x + x - 1 = 285

Now we will solve this equation

2x - 1 = ...

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