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Derivatives and Rates of Change

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1.A ball is thrown directly upward from the ground. Its height above the ground is given by


Where h is measured in metres and t is measured in seconds. Determine

a)its initial velocity
b)the maximum height of the ball
c)when the velocity is negative
d)how long the ball is in the air
e)the velocity with which the ball strikes the ground

2.The population (P) of a bacteria culture is described by


Where t is measured in hours. Calculate how many bacteria exist at t=10 hours, as well as the population's growth rate at that time.

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Derivatives and rates of change are investigated. The solution is detailed and well presented. The response received a rating of "5/5" from the student who originally posted the question.

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1.A ball is thrown directly upward from the ground. Its height above the ground is given by


where h is measured in metres and t is measured in seconds. Determine

a)its initial velocity

=> v = dh/dt = 50-10t
When t = 0, v = 50 ...

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