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Proof : Prime Triplets

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Show that there are no "prime triplets", that is numbers p, p+2, p+4, that are primes other than 3,5,7.

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Solution Summary

It is shown that there are no "prime triplets", that is numbers p, p+2, p+4, that are primes other than 3,5,7.

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Because, the smallest odd prime number is 3.
let, p has the form :
p = 3*n + 1 (where, n is an even ...

Solution provided by:
  • BEng, Allahabad University, India
  • MSc , Pune University, India
  • PhD (IP), Pune University, India
Recent Feedback
  • " In question 2, you incorrectly add in the $3.00 dividend that was just paid to determine the value of the stock price using the dividend discount model. In question 4 response, it should have also been recognized that dividend discount models are not useful if any of the parameters used in the model are inaccurate. "
  • "feedback: fail to recognize the operating cash flow will not begin until the end of year 3."
  • "Answer was correct"
  • "Great thanks"
  • "Perfect solution..thank you"
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